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Carlo Parcelli
“ ...[N]o one... eludes the double postulation of YHWH.” –Jacques Derrida
Deconstructing the Demiurge:
The First Postulate; Stay awake. Esto vigilans! WAKE UP! You pungent Dog. Sniff for the Flood In your “ecumenism of sources.” Just remember, there is no high ground When the idea of a thing has proved More fungible than the thing itself. This poem celebrates “[T]he most grave and ancient of things...,” Matricide, the “decoherence”...[that is] complete Only when the measurement is complete; The incised crenature of Jone’s centurions Ruined in you. “...[W]hat are poets for in a destitute time” But “Differentiation, Paradox, and Ruse”? When Bruno’s MWI gave way to escapist science You knelt in the ash, Excoriating the sloppy seconds Of the earthly apocalypse, Unacknowledged legislator to the Second Coming, Deus absconditus Maligning the long awaited felicity of reason; Sampling monuments Which through you Are made intolerable. Even with GATT, pollution credits and the Weather Channel, No one confesses the End Time is For all its tales and telos, Mercurial. That ship has sailed, right Tiphys. The weal is broken and “reason inexorably unfolds its purposes Within the phenomenal world.” And, make no mistake, God “will see to it,” Which by the way is “the second postulate.” And now, Cassandra, the hottest seats in the house Are in an amphitheater gone dark.” Hermes has stripped Demeter scienter, And now, by some accounts, we Can go out in a hail of extinction Muddled up with all of god’s creatures. But enough about me. This morning Greece burns with a new light. The birthplace of Reason immolates itself And any Phoenix accelerates the denouement. The Enlightenment has had its 15 cosmological minutes. “[A]s soon as one no longer knows Who speaks or who writes, The text becomes apocalyptic.” What better omen. Believers abound, But with belief in the wrong eschatology, Executed by the wrong agent, Once the sucker punch of Sophocles and high drama, But now just a biblical hot foot for the hoi polloi, The audience a profane afterthought. The Enlightenment has proved most efficient At firing up Man’s inner meteor, Dazing Nature with a rock to the dome. Beyond imagination after Jornada del Muerte; The Eucharist of fission; the critical Mass. Into the Valley of Death Rides the six billion. “As Godel showed, a time that is relative or Static is no time at all.” Yet Wheeler, who knew “Godel Had made discoveries about a rotating universe,” Entitled his chapter “The End of Time” Preferring to amortize the apocalypse over Billions of years Rather than deal with the ‘dark matter’ Of the present planetary paradox. Wovoka was more prescient, but What in his experience made him think The ‘white man’ didn’t intend to take Everyone and everything with him? His genes harboring his many "epidemics, Environmental catastrophes and genocide"? The Enlightenment remarkable for its mass petulance Determined to see its failure through to the end. In ubiquity resides End Time’s anonymity. Not With those who desire to be Asphyxiated by their own bodies But with those who “say which And build up the machine.” Wiener said “Thus the machine may generate the message, And the message may generate another machine...” “Rapid cloning of an arbitrary piece of DNA... Coupled with transmission of sequence data By electronic mail.” “[T]hat it is conceptually possible for a human being” --The in between machine-- “To be sent over a telegraph line... “[I]mpracticable, but...not...inconceivable,” Unlike the underlying quantum formalisms. And the senses disconnected as Aristotle said, ‘As our eyes see them.’ And Pascal, “One must say roughly: [T]his is made by shape and motion.” And Kant and later Bohr: by the constraints of our minds, Noumena, things in themselves, are inaccessible. And Wiener’s fantasies are ‘not inconceivable’ When the senses are disengaged That the mathematics might fit; That a machine might issue from another machine. “Sir, The Committee for the relief of the Poor meet on Wednesday night at 8 ‘o’Clock when the case of the woman who lives on Bulwell Common – will be taken into consideration Bulwell Sep 13th 1812 Yours &c” Whose to say If the Luddites had succeeded In burning down another dozen manufactories The planet wouldn’t be spared a fortnight. The apoplexy in the American press over Hugo Chavez seeking to aid victims in New Orleans While the kleptocracy uses the hurricane To gerrymander congressional districts, Eminent domain and other refinements of Manifest Destiny. Thus “[L]and sanctifies many a political initiative.” Cheney warning the Persians not to get too comfortable At their own hearths, While the old fat dying kleptocrat sits sclerotic On a warship in the Persian Gulf as though what’s in a name. Scraps of the Axumite Empire Turned into an oil vanguard of hired thugs. And the rockers from the Cradle of Civilization In a glass case in Tommy Franks’ den. All the daily murderous, humorless asides of capital, the grotesques, Not the least of which the Science of Conservation, That tooled medium of justification. “Mr lud, I ham going to inform you that there is Six Thousand man Coming to you in Apral and then We Will go and blow Parlement house up and Blow up all afour hus labrin Peple Cant Stand it No longer, dam all Such Roges as England governs but Never mind Nead lud When generel nody and his harmy Comes We Will Soon bring about the greate Revelution then all these greate mans heads gose of” What chump is surprised when loves desperation Comes to blows with capital? Bruno’s “mixing what prudent nature separated” evident in Locke & Adam & John Smith Set loose like alien vermin in the Amazon rain forest— “Every foot of land....should be improved That is capable of improvement.” “Land that is left wholly to nature, That hath no improvement of pasturage, tillage, or planting, Is called, as indeed it is, waste.” And Bolingbroke--- Britons “busy to improve their private property And public stock.... carrying assistance And terror abroad....” From an ecological perspective Islam represents the last Best hope for the planet: Material restraint incident to proscription. “The fact that debt burden deprive[d] its poorest citizens Of health, education and other social services... Was never considered.” Well, sure it was. It was considered highly desirable. The one, two of U.S. foreign policy. Three if you count the CIA. “We’d cut them in half and give them a band aid. It was a lie, and the more I saw... The more I hated lies.” ‘Forgiveness’ as unforgiving, Bono, As your ignorance: “In lieu of over a million pounds sterling In overdue debt and interest payments, the government of Ecuador Had granted to English bondholders 4 1/2 million acres of land, So constituting the Ecuador Land Company.” And quinine, priceless to Her Majesty’s tropical empire “Upheld by the bayonet, the arm that wields the weapon Would be nerveless, But for Cinchona bark and its active principles.” ‘As our eyes see them,’ said Aristotle to the epistemology of The robotic arm on the empire’s assembly line. The confluence of slavery, science and Frederick Winslow Taylor. “[T]he early Oskar Morgenstern looked more or less Like a typical Austrian economist..., Intent upon projecting the archetypal Austrian concerns About knowledge and time And the meaning of science Against the backdrop of neo-classical theory.” “We too are also studying mathematics Although we grow more and more skeptical about its use, The main objections coming from the fact That time cannot be dealt with adequately.” “But I should try to bring about a reconciliation between The mathematical school of Lausanne and other groups...” The “presumption that methodological fiat could solve Substantive problems in economic theory Assumed the format of a belief that formal logic And metamathematics had something to offer economics.” The economics of self-replication where again as Wiener, Our technological Candide said “[T]he machine may generate the message, And the message may generate another machine...” “[T]hat it is conceptually possible for a human being To be sent over a telegraph line... “[I]mpracticable, but...not...inconceivable,” Unlike the underlying quantum formalisms. And ‘not inconceivable’ because of the sense’s Disconnect to make those formalisms fit. “The correct model is that of stochastic processes;” “Systems strongly constrained by the experimental setting So that they give more predictable results. ” Lies, damned lies and statistical mechanics. “Physics and the Social Sciences,” the Arts and Religion, “Differ only in the size of the noise Relative to the signal.” And “you can ignore the noise And treat any system as deterministic” When observed data is applied like experimental data. Against “[T]he stochastic character of quantum mechanics. “Probabilistic Logics Meet Automata Theory” In a matinee double-feature with ‘Dracula Meets The Bride of Frankenstein’ Both cut from the same puerile epistemology, The coming attraction, ‘The Mutant Parasite Transmitter.’ “[A]nd the progeny is the Turing Machine Made flesh” and blood. And Alan gave his only begotten son. That “a new species would bless me as creator...” And like self-reproducing automata “[Many] happy and excellent natures Would owe their being to me.” But as Mozer said of his own CONCERT system “The outputs are often ‘compositions That only their mother could love.’” So “Game theory per se Might not have continued to play A major role in this program, Unless someone could come along And convince von Neumann That this very same machine-rationality Dominated some distinct area of social life— Say, for instance, the economy.” And that man was Morgenstern. “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches” from Bletchley Park “towards” Slumbering “Bethlehem to be born?” Ammons’ Turing Tape for the Turn of the Year— Blinded by jealousy unable to “wait without hope” Ignoring this simple Kantian program; Hoping for the wrong thing in trite conformist “mechanistic” similes, “[I]n the green becoming the lichen.” An epistemology utterly ill-suited to life, Contradicting its own precepts While denying the contradictions And those who would live otherwise. Recall the lesson of Quantum, that When you radically alter an environment Prediction becomes impossible. With Godel’s Second Theorem, As devout as Descartes, Allows for agency beyond stochastic models. Yet there’s always Casti setting a bad example, The way his “chancy affair” of “harsh words and threats To bombs and bullets” becomes Over the span of two paragraphs “A matter of chance or accidental factors, Such as a leader’s having a headache Or a garbled message.” Simple approximations “la diffusion process” “When a natural physical model is quite complex” Converging “to a Markov diffusion or jump process.” Not a ‘quantum leap’ except idiomatically, Ahistorical as all discrete Markov chains are and Based on a mock up of the natural world. Bohr saw the paradoxes generating Waves of mathematicians eyeless in Gaza, scienter Resentful of Nature’s head start Must by necessity destroy themselves. When does the agent become a primitive caricature Of the primitive caricature Of his own reality? And once global, the observer becomes An object out of all proportion, a Behemoth Heralding Positivist limits upon Heisenberg’s Matrix Mechanics; The more ethanol produced the more people starve; Yet more corn production accelerates global warming. And more people starve. Reason’s glossolalia for quantum paradox Emptying out into economic stochastic farce. Or the Russian and Eel Rivers diverted To farms in the Klamath Basin In turn paid by the Feds not to grow Selling their credits to nearby municipalities While the basin’s namesake saw the salmon rot Along with both the natural order And the traditional order Which had re-organized themselves into a modern industry Thereby forfeiting their heritage to “a complex of dams And canals built almost a century ago” And a few votes for the Republican Party, The whole short-sighted maneuver Going back at least a hundred years and Predicated on theft. Godel “Asked for a legal analysis of his incompleteness theorem” Commented“that a country that depended entirely Upon the formal letter of its laws, might Find itself defenseless against a crisis that had not, and could not, Have been foreseen in its legal code.” Money requires laws themselves reflect stochastic processes And mathematicians are the barristers of the sciences. Doesn’t Godel’s “legal analysis” Apply a broader metaphysical application to the Second Theorem? And, so with global climate change, Formal systems and laws of the natural sciences Preclude any relation.. So is it any wonder when the add read “How do you deal With an enemy That has no government, no Money trail and No qualms about Killing women and children?” And that enemy is a hurricane. We’ve tried Reason with Nature And that hasn’t worked. The ‘general circulation model’ A three dimensional grid Sutured with a set of mathematical relations. A fully discrete system That nowhere abides its object within it. “...[C]ommon sense cannot be extended To a ...quantum system.” Anymore than due process to a ‘terrorist’. A terra-ist alert. Global warming a fury out of Aeschylus, Projected, anthropomorphized and scapegoated; Dispossessed, an armed resistance Against an epistemology that buys full-page ads to declare, Ab reductio its foreign policy, that It is at war with the natural world yet Lays sole claim to be Nature’s savior. The pathology, “[T]he formalism does not permit A well- defined classical state...” The clock work universe Of weather prediction; The same fait accompli As observed in the experimental method, A short step from the preordained To resignation. A system by nature is a subterfuge, “And the system is by definition legitimate.” The satellite dish Has choked Democritus’s ‘abyss’ With infantilized rubbish. With mathematics, physicists have no explaining Worth doing. Quality is countermanded in quantity. No “clear image” culturally communicable “Created in another human mind using words.” And again the dissolution of a convenient quantum metaphor “[T]hat genes are [not] discrete packets” “[B]ut overlap one another and share Stretches of molecular code.” And “junk code” sounds like the “dark matter” of astrophysics; “That if one takes the notion of a genetic program literally... One has a program that needs its own product In order to be executed.” The idiomatic loops, “[T]he meaning and value of science...to... Elaborate a worldview That can accommodate our knowledge About natural phenomena,” Denoted appropriately by A. Shimony As ‘closing the circle’, the Uroboros, The constrictor of our annihilating epistemology. Simply “that in the end It will have consumed everything in sight And will be left with no choice But to devour itself.” Little outbreaks of an apocalypse in “Empirical ‘evidence’... Created by a procedure Which quotes as its justification The very same evidence it has produced.” Most foreign aid money “never leaves the United States; It is simply transferred from banking offices in Washington To engineering offices in New York, Houston and San Francisco.” The scienter of the economist. In 1958, enamored of Algerian natural gas, The U.S. cut off the supply of 7.62s to the French. Not so much ‘from a tiny seed’ But a single lens of an insect’s eye, An episteme of calibration where Belgium’s cut was the FN, Crowned NATO’s standard. The eschatology of observation. “The Inquisitors were the first to formalize The idea that to every question There is a right answer.” “...[V]astly simplified formalisms.” Scholasticism cobbling an episteme for the scientific method; Re: Gilson to Elsasser; “[P]ut in some physical facts Follow the rules for obtaining the needed results, And almost always get what we want.” False confessions From the rack of formal methods. Nature is not exact Because mathematics calculates with precision; That’s mathematic’s affair. Whereas the world must of necessity be inexact... To remain rigorous. The Inquisitors and Madison Avenue Spring from the same epistemology, Aristotle’s empeiria, Roger Bacon’s argumentum ex re, Then Newton, Boyle and Ed Witten In rapid succession In the de-instrumentation of an eye The “space-time description of natural processes” is sacrificed And ‘seeing’ no longer conflates With the angstroms of belief. What doubled as subset for Nature’s ontology Could not avoid dominion and survive. Like capital insecure in its hegemony. “Natural history... nothing more than the nomination of the visible.” The retreat to nanometers; Where only “logical formalisms... allow the mastering Of the new domains of experience.” “The technological mentality designs standardized means To achieve predetermined results” From quantum to accounting “The message is clear. First, you...belong To an organization...which possesses a method. Entry...will be limited by the method; Its members a trained elite. Its power...precision, research, movement...” The atomic teleology of Torquemada. “[I]mpatient with intuition, experience, and judgment. With “...an irresistible tilt toward mathematical conclusions.” ... “[I]mmune to charm...[S]ober, tireless and irresistible.” “The technological mentality designs standardized means To achieve predetermined results” Because “[I]f it doesn’t have a solution It isn’t a problem.” The brass ring in the muzzle of Taurus Materializes at each rotation of the Earth. Always there needling. The ubiquitous democratizing effect of gravity, Once observed became just One more outmaneuvered proletariat. In principle, the human observer does not give Classical theory any trouble. “Due to the specific peculiarities of the formalism” “[T]he situation is” so different in quantum theory Schrodinger panicked and “tried to interpret the square modulus of the wave function As describing the charge density” “For we cannot really alter our manner of thinking In space and time, and what we cannot comprehend Within it we cannot understand at all.” Terrified before the final refinements Into mathematical glossolalia. “Authority...located in the process itself.” Evolutionary, as Ryskamp, Godel’s Second Theorem is “...[N]othing more than a retelling Of Einstein’s train experiment;” “A point series connectable by time-like lines... And...the series is closed in itself;” Dissolving the narrator in omniscience Using parables of “natural” mathematics, The desire to ‘avoid’ or ‘solve’ paradoxes With Euclid’s Old Testament phantasms And Cantor’s Set Theoretical neuroses Relying on 19th century instrumentation to track “The progressivism of Nature which is the continuum Encompassing all the disciplines.” “...And that if it became Euclidian, This is because it allows itself To be oriented to the system.” And systems by nature Are a subterfuge. The SOS of black body radiation; for lack of the thing in itself. That Goethe, in advance of Husserl, carefully cultivated his conscious_ness And could see through the habitual, Surface aspects of phenomena And capture more their being, their ding an sich. The formative as the time-lapse of human imagination That Bohr, Bruno, Kant, Ihde And the tiller of the Argo captured As a world dissolved. That Voltaire saw “as the art of numbering And measuring exactly a thing Whose existence [then] cannot be conceived,” Resenting the non-commutative nature of the dialectic, That the actual may be said To include the “world”of mathematics, But not vice-versa. The insulation from guilt. Now on a permanent war footing with existence Since a “spectrum of physical science Was first ‘mathematized’.” Tiphys and Bruno, Adorno, Wittgenstein, even Godel Whose favorite movie was ‘Snow White’ Priming all return as nostalgic fantasy Against Einstein who would raise the dead As a function of space. Zombies as Christ’s stunt doubles aside, And the Eucharist of human flesh. Even though Einstein wrote, “Kurt Godels essay constitutes, in my opinion, An important contribution to the general theory of relativity Especially to the analysis of the concept of time,” Surely Ryskamp is right, Yournau. How could a limp, sentimentalist such as Godel, Fathom that Time does not go by, And, relativity speaking, a kiss Is not a kiss? And applied, a sigh is just a psi; But where pure, a psi is just a psi.. The ubiquity Of Schrodinger’s wave mechanics. A subatomic tzunami. Not Hollywood’s erotic/necrotic infantilizations but An epistemology that only randy Einstein bridged Using Euclidean geometry straight to the source, Straight into the pudenda of space/time. With thousands of songs Reinforcing the erroneous notion of tempus fugit, How could so much love and love lost Be occluded in the wrong paradigm? “With one foot on the platform, And the other foot on the train”, The Standard Model has no expectations To pass the way Of the golden oldies again? And Hupfeld troubles with this “cause for apprehension” With “Things like the fourth dimension”... Growing “[A] trifle weary With Mr. Einstein’s Theory.” ...”[W]e must get down to earth at times, Relax relieve the tension...” “The simple facts of life are such They cannot be removed.” So what has it cost to trade in so much cinematic ignorance? Or Yournau, how can Hupfeld’s sop to Ptolemy And the Kanon’s coexist? How does the world cohere When its either our science Or our songs that are alternately lost, wave to particle, Or the desire to “relieve” not relive “the tension,” Much less a contest between the Good Book Or the Destroyer of Worlds? For Livingstone contended “before commerce came exploration, And only when ‘the last abode Of savage man shall be discovered’ Would the real age of Evangelism begin.” What happened to that happy commerce Between Christ and killing? Between religion and science. Religion fumbled its Dominion over the Apocalypse By challenging the End Times obvious agency. But the Enlightenment’s on a short fuse. A series of explosive charges could bring down The Andes like an old Woolworth’s; The Great Flood of Grand Coulie to an apocalyptic water park. The several million wonders of the world Available at reduced rates, $1400.00, Where the holy family unit stays In vitro-, Complementary breakfast, 5 nights, 6 days. Cornell’s ‘molecubes’ pilfering the epistemology of procreation. First, you admit that the variables are infinite; Then you attempt to account for two or three more And assume the result is thorough enough to exploit. Weaver’s “organized complexity”, Cybernetics “extending the regime of wartime power, Of command-control-communication...”and Mixed-team operations analysis. Importing “teleological notions” Of pre-complexity biological systems To “The application of mathematical methods To military affairs” And voila, the Air Defense System Becomes an organism “[P]artly animate...which involve[s] animals Together with inanimate devices Such as is the ADS... Possessing in common: sensory components, communication facilities, Data analyzing devices, centers of judgement, Directors of action, and effectors, or executing agencies.” Organisms “comprised of animals and groups of animals, including men.” The living made a subset of itself. Quantifying the unquantifiable with such zeal That you quantify yourself right out of the lexicon. The affinity between systems and organisms: “[F]unction, coordination, interdependence, and purpose.” The paper was called “What Crises Could Teach Us About Complexity and Systemic Management The Case of the Nestucca Oil Spill; It’s purpose, its Telos “is to propose some systemic principles For better managing our organizations In an ethical fashion...” A calling canceled out by mathematics and systems of quantification; That do not acknowledge their role in a bad outcome But cry abuse. Statistics exposes the canard; The approximation of anything Where even bad applications And their applicators are absolved In a nano-fog of subjectivity. Conflicting resolutions mathematically confirmed. Errors in calculations. Locusts ate the earth and made a car; And cars shit plagues. Von Neumann pondered “How is the absolutely selfish ‘homo economicus’ Going to act under given external circumstances?” “The United States made no secret of its desire To have the House of Saud bankroll Osama bin Laden’s Afghan war against the Soviets...” “Saudi Arabia had...become...the epicenter of terrorist financing...” With “billions of dollars” going “to a broad range Of U.S. officials: ambassadors, CIA station chiefs, ...cabinet secretaries...” Imagine a stuccoed von Neumann Perched in a public rotunda, A secular Sistine Chapel At the AEC, Stripped to his boxers and garters. Not our father, But with his left hand groping For the ‘rigid member’ Of a self-reproducing automata, Having gambled away the world In games of chance; “The problems of probability and analysis That one might raise concerning the art of war Or of economic and financial speculation” are The same as roulette, baccarat and black jack Except for “a much higher degree of complexity.” Greed’s mathematical canard. “The Markov method of econometric modeling;” “A tool that scientifically ‘proved’ We were doing countries a favor By helping them incur debts They would never be able to pay...” “The more complicated and precise The social, economic, and scientific apparatus With whose service the production system Has harmonized the body, The more impoverished the experiences it can offer.” Markov Chains–forging the links of an ‘ahistorical rationalism,’ The nomadic monad tailed in a Brownian vapor. “Discrete-time stochastic” processes, ‘memoryless’; Intentionality’s head in the oven of intention for “For enlightenment the process is always Decided from the start...[I]n mathematical procedure The unknown becomes the unknown quantity of an equation... Well-known even before any value is inserted.” “Adapting the homogeneous to the radically heterogenous” By inputing in some facts That follow a set of rules Needed for the intended result, “And almost always you get what you want.” “What is the place of the Enlightenment in this Pattern?” “Mauvelain’s clients did not want Abstract or theoretical works” Though the comparison between the theoretical And experimental “rarely disappointed.” “They did not order a single book By the four great philosophes, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, and Rousseau... They favored the popularizers and vulgarizers...: Raynal, Mercier, Mirabeau...and the hacks” Except for d’Holbach and La Mettrie, L’Homme Machine, among the usual pornography, A cybernetics to make Norbert blush. “The point is” says Darnton, “trade in hard core prohibited books Favored the most extreme, Holbac[c]hean Version of Enlightenment...” With god stripped of his role in the Apocalypse Like a dethroned functionary sacrificed At the twilight of empire. And progress is a separate issue, Anterior, holding a central position Reflected in reading tastes That would come to end reading for all time. Progress charts its own eschatology. Diderot “already propounded the idea That discovery might be grinding to a halt...” And Kant’s position in the Critique is that “Logic, arithmetic, and geometry Have effectively attained” a state of finality With physics and astronomy “Virtually brought to the same condition...” And Peirce saw “the sciences progressing Through two stages: [a]...preliminary phase of groping For the general structure of qualitative relations... And a secondary phase of quantitative refinement.” And Spengler “If we observe how rapidly card-houses of hypothesis are run up nowadays, every contradiction being Immediately covered up by a new hurried hypothesis; If we reflect”-- ala Bohr and ‘vizualisation’ in quantum-- “on how little heed is paid to the fact That these images contradict one another and the “classical” baroque mechanics alike, we cannot but realize That the great style of ideation is at an end...” And “Only our extreme mastery in experimental technique... Hides the collapse of the symbolism.” “Exact science must presently fall upon its own keen sword.” But “[T]he modern scientist looks upon science As a great building erected stone by stone...” Of Cartesian accumulation and discrete monadology; Of calculus and quantification whose “most notable spokesman” “In the wake of the extremely successful wartime application of science” Was Vannevar Bush Chairman of the National Defense Committee. The scientific application of contradiction and myopia To advance the end of the world. “The curse of irresistible progress is irresistible regression.” Divorced “from the sensuous experience In order to subjugate it” as Barbara Hayle meant to say. Experiment, “The more complicated and precise The social, economic, and scientific apparatus With whose service the production system Has long harmonized the body, the more impoverished The experiences it can offer.” The more the surroundings are sewn With trial and manufacture The more infantilized the stock. The master who has interposed his servant Between ‘das ding’ and himself. “The master regresses.” The servant is number, literally, What better to affirm the rule of the few With the irony of the many. “The elimination of qualities, Their conversion into functions, Is translated from science by means of rationalized modes Of labor to the experiential world of” Vannevar Bush and “nations, And tends to approximate [them] once more to the world of” reptiles. Speaking to the appetites, what of “the regression of the masses...;” “The oarsmen...cannot speak to one another, Because “each of them [is] yoked in the same rhythm...” A cog in the machine requires ‘L’homme Machine’, A superficially requited belief in an ulterior system. In hindsight, it would have been wise to embrace The most extreme prohibitions Of Bruno & Whorf, Sapir & Feyerabend And Bernard Fall against imperial entanglements like A “land war in South-east Asia.” And even the DoD to the degree possible: “Do not assume that they want to be like you.” “The ‘abstraction’ of higher mathematics is a consequence Of the systematic layering of metaphor upon metaphor.” Of fog upon fog, of myth meandering into delusion. The phenomena of institutionalizing And compounding false numbers; The CIA set the total cadre at 271,000... The slaughter aside “such a low figure that According to official body counts, The Viet Cong should already [have] be[en] decimated,” The sophisticated methods of calculation Allowing for competing fantasies. Not the belief that American superstition would conquer Southeast Asian superstition, But that mathematical methods automatically rendered All superstition universally accessible to exploitation. Lansdale’s psyops and sabotage as COIN of the realm, Arrived in Saigon as “grossly ignorant of the Vietnamese And their culture as Taft had been of the Filipinos Or McKenney of the Ojibwa,” Some of “the more spectacular casualties Of that national habit of self-deception,” “Anglo-Americans” “substituting abstractions for realities,” Disguising “national interventions As exercises in international spiritual leadership.” “The secret agent and his erstwhile superior, Robert Kennedy Who claimed for his countrymen... ‘Our right to the spiritual direction of the planet.’” And Giap though “The ultimate goal of the French colonialists Was to grab our land. Faced with our opposition, They had to scatter their forces And set up thousands of military posts... To protect what they had seized.” “Thus the more the French Expeditionary Force was scattered The better” to destroy it bit by bit. “Dozens of American outposts in Baghdad Were established around the city,” Followed by the twin delusions of preeminence and telos The glossolalia of “...[A]n outpost in the Gazalia neighborhood [Where] some 200 U.S. soldiers protect 50,000 residents.” The norm in Vietnam being ten enemy killed For every one American. “Science...believ[ing] it is working out its own self-preservation And its own private interest” when it “is, in point of fact, Doing the very opposite, Is doing what brings about its own dissolution And makes itself a moment in the whole.” “The evidence peculiar to this defective way of knowing--... Rests solely on the poverty of its purpose And defectiveness of its material.” Von Neumann’s quantum mechanics where “the theory Becomes a veritable monster of rigor And precision” While its relation to experience is more obscure than ever. Hardy’s metaphor, “Rigor is what Littlewood and I call gas.” Ubiquitous, but with little weight. There is no consensus-- “The relativistic n-body problem has as yet withstood solution.” “And the approximations made are not A result of relativistic calculations, They are introduced in order to make relativity Fit the case” “All contact with the world has been lost and... The semblance of absolute truth Is nothing but the result of an absolute conformism.” “Professional propagandists...would be more helpful In gratifying hopes for recognition Than these emotional patriots With their pedantic literature.” And Wisehart remembered Bernays “surrounded by the ‘Heavy drapes of a Paris apartment With exotic Oriental atmosphere,...” and “By result of the subletting owner’s special taste, A devoted middle-aged peasant woman attendant, Alert to every eyelash of a gesture Betokening need.” Bernays wrote, “Arbenz claimed the invasion had been launched By his neighbors and the U.S.” but no one starved Buying ‘my’lies. Why pimp your product with torture If not for the eroticism? “Every eyelash of a gesture betokening need.” “‘Alerted’ when “the Iranian government Expropriated the...Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.” More soulless than any “commie”, repeatedly Misspelling President Arevalo-- ‘Arevolo’, What the Shark is to the Sardine, Multiple errors the editor ignored Sensing the whole bullshit enterprise. The truth insignificant in the muck of sainted vanity; Immaterial to “the vastly simplified formalism”of Eliminating all those “alert to every eyelash of a gesture betokening” the needy. Sometimes you just have to step outside the poem And call a prick a prick And give the other pricks an excuse to stop reading. Maoist, Leninist, Marxist, Stalinist, Fascist. Just make it stop. The “Greatest Generation” so conferred by their betters Because they were remarkably obedient, Stunning the plutocracy into backhanded admiration. “Measures we were prepared to take.” Old Glory’s feedback in flashbacks, Drew’s ‘lions’ lugging around so much dirty laundry as to render The rhetoric inoperable without FOX’s hemorrhagic amplification. And who in their imperial stupor Is going to turn the world on a dime? Electricity and the popular arts fulfil their destiny As torture. Hiroshima as much aspiration, as much predilection As prediction. And the inefficiencies of the markets are modeled. Quants deny melodrama to our greed. Bystanders to a shadow existence, A pixilated puzzle of gross approximations. And don’t give me your chicken & egg symbiosis. If not for von Neumann, Morgenstern would have been Just another Austrian economist. “The common individual, whose behavior one wants to describe Does not measure his utilities exactly but rather Conducts his economic activities In a sphere of considerable haziness.” The same being true “For much of his conduct regarding light, heat, muscular effort etc. But in order to build a science of physics These phenomena had to be measured.” The mathematician and physicist as the source of the textual error, Exposed by imperial attempts to expand the franchise And the collapse of the Empire As the ice sloughs off and slouches toward Nash’s Equilibrium. No need to reassess your place further inland. Go on faith. Turing’s tape is infinite But for Nikolayev: for “In [his] world 1+1 =2" Even with little Sophia, Proof biologically that 1+1= 3; Even while booting his ‘ego’, his binary tool in Boole. For “The only way that Boole could Preserve his first-stage metaphor Was by limiting his numbers to 1 and 0, And by inventing a new addition table for his ‘arithmetic’-- A table in which 1 + 1 is not 2, but 1.” “There is no scientifically valid reason To believe that the physical entities in the universe Form a subclass Of an objectively existing universal class.” Yet things are always as they seem? And Casti writes ala Muth, “Let’s suppose [an economic] system Behaves in some stochastic fashion That can be described only in a probabilistic sense...” And that the “probability distribution governing these doings Definitely exist[s] and is fixed...” But when Von Neumann was off Buddhafying quantum, Morgenstern said “This is an exceedingly difficult task, And we can safely say that it has not been accomplished In the extensive literature about the topic.” Nor is Casti saying it has, but just imagine; “It would...be necessary to formulate them in quantitative terms So that all the elements of the qualitative description Are taken into consideration.” Such that Godels Second Theorem Becomes the sling For everything. Today the birthplace of Reason immolates itself While any Phoenix accelerates the denouement. “So many fires breaking out in so many parts of the country Cannot be a coincidence,” says Karamanlis. “The state will do everything it can To find those responsible and punish them,” Starting with the academies of science. Human agency by virtue of magnitude. Arson’s a scapegoat indicative of a far greater crime. Those who subscribe are “all sons of bitches now” said Oppie. Greed wrapped in greed; the sling of everything. A country burning like a Buddhist monk Topped off with Occidental. Diem’s terrorist when there was The fear of the fiery sway of another way. Roosevelt felt compelled to provoke An actual Japanese attack. But by Johnson, making up A provocation worked equally as well. Nixon had his secret plan, Reagan his Harlingen, Clinton his Bosnia. In America the truth was never credible, So only liars reject the Iraq canards A Cartesian accretion of self-delusion That has at purchase all efforts to quantify. That’s not a hair slouching toward my soup. It’s a parabola of light Reflected off the book jacket’s laminate. Sorry, Bly I’m still flogging those Latinates. I suppose it’s the Campbell’s Soup poem coming back As the stone soup of Saxony. My daughter was delighted if not the critics Of the war failing to see the poem’s utility. The “Qualitative Discussion of the Problem of Rational Behavior” For Von Neumann and Morgenstern becomes The Problem of Quality in the Discussion of Rational Behavior. “A valuable qualitative preliminary description of the behavior Of the individual is offered by the Austrian School, particularly, In analyzing the economy of the isolated (the discrete) “Robinson Crusoe.” The quantitative lack of connection; The “altogether different angle” Of the “game of strategy.” Quality, an open ended nuisance to the rational behavior of game theory. “Theories...qualitatively incompetent to a surprising degree.” And Science...believes it is working out its own self-preservation And its own private interest” when it “is, in point of fact, Doing the very opposite, Is doing what brings about its own dissolution And makes itself a moment in the whole;” Its 15 geological minutes. As von Neumann told Shannon when he and Weaver “Didn’t know what to call their new mathematical measure of messages,” “Call it entropy, No one knows what entropy really is, So in a debate You will always have the advantage.” The game; an emptied qualifier adding to confusion in the ‘exact sciences.’ And so Schneider and Sagan, “In information theory entropy Describes the uncertainties associated with the utilization Of characters in sending and receiving messages.” Entropy, wave packets, uncertainty, from quantum and shaping the noise Optimizing the balance between position and momentum Through a feedback matrix. And the isolated system where “a common past reduces noise.” When you record you reduce Unlimited wordlength (an analog signal) to 16 bits. So we “dither...We trade a little low_level hiss For a big reduction in distortion...a good trade, And one that our ears like.” The pleasure principle. Quantity masking “noise in your recording chain... Adequate to perform the dithering!” And something approximating quality reemerges From “quantization distortion,” A wafer where Miles’ Lonely Fire is burned. The evolutionary altruism of analog, of the organism, that says A system no matter how discrete, however lonely, however Berkowitz, Is never alone. An extraordinary charity considering, “The standards of consumer goods Are the basis upon which the right to existence Of the work of art Is determined;” & “this standard Is regarded as the absolute criterion for social truth.” “A technological rationale”...as “[T]he rationale of domination itself.” Imperial, paternalistic; rigid in its implementation. “The...price of a highly structured compositional system.” The unexamined “cost of creating the right structure.” To “specify fully the rules involved” using “algorithmic composition” “That many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me.” With a novelty and the brutal anxiety Of a misplaced certainty “The mathematician...pushes his symbolic language higher and higher To try to grasp through measure And number the immeasurable world. And everything appears to him Reachable, graspable, and mechanical...” Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua. A language “so arcane, those who understand it Assume authority and are believed.” Goethe’s challenge to Newton giving way to Husserl’s stoicism faced With “the cultural results” Of science’s mathesis universalis. Carefully cultivated consciousness penetrating “the habitual, surface aspects of phenomena.” “The life-world as taken for granted.” Milled and shaped to include a handle; To accommodate a throttle. A palimpsest of utility sense and objectivity, Shedding in increments “the human being, With this vitality, in these activities And creations within the common life-world ...[A]lways the presupposition For all...objective-scientific lines of inquiry...” We can bound high on the numbers But scarcely walk Until we don’t notice that amputees hop or Until we do that final Brownian bounce Onto the surface of Mars Into the interstellar corner of fight or flight. “We say that people are behaving intelligently When they choose courses of action That are relevant to achieving their goals, (No matter what the goal?) When they reply coherently and appropriately To questions that are put to them, (Discounting different cultural norms?) When they solve problems Of lesser or greater difficulty, (The superiority of the mathesis?) or (And here comes the liberal sop to sentiment) When they create or design something useful or beautiful or novel.” But cognitive science butchers and refrigerates With “systems” and “computation.” “...[A]ll professional ideologies are high-minded. Hunters...would not dream of calling themselves The butchers of the woods...and The god that thieves... Taken for their own Is the business men’s god, That distinguished promoter of international concord, Mercury. So not much importance need be attached To the way an activity is mirrored In the consciousness of those who practice it.” Where the sirens are just shills And the observer can’t recuse himself. At the end time science is more than A voyeur’s fresco of obsessive clippings. It is the eschatology of reason; The archaeology of extinction. The doctoral thesis For some alien nano-bot. The strata where ‘intelligent life’ Can be seen backing off its claims. Contorted vehicles suspended in amber Sliced into opaque windows, examined as closely As though brains that had “stored” them can. On the betrayal of the Kurds, Kissinger told the Pike Committee, “Covert action should not be confused with Missionary work,” Henry missing the common telos, his own market kerygma; As we are told ad nauseam The whole fucking epistemology of the matter. All the shades of wrong where self-interest can take him; All the shades in Hell; The gospel of the way the object is confounded. “All contact with the world...lost and... The semblance of absolute truth Is nothing but the result of an absolute conformism---”“Systems Strongly constrained by the experimental setting So that they give...predictable results. ” “[P]ut in some physical facts Follow the rules for obtaining the needed results, And almost always get what [you] want.” “The technological mentality... standardized means To achieve predetermined results” “And the approximations made are not A result of relativistic calculations, They are introduced in order to make relativity Fit the case;” The epistemology of science is common To both the missionary and the mass murderer, The missionary long subsumed in the murderer while “[O]ur clients fought on sustaining thousands of casualties And 200,000 refugees.” An epistemology where you can equate Any kiss with Gethsemine. The dark face of power turns Toward the exasperated heckler Who means to say, “The connection between historical theories,” and “Technological determinism...predates Marx.” Turgot, right out the ass of Popper’s Enlightenment, “Discours sur progres successifs de l’esprit humain” “For Turgot, history is by definition global,” “[H]ow groups of human beings have become More enlightened in direct proportion To the frequency and intensity of their contacts.” For example, language overcame historical entropy Only to result in numbers of the world’s languages Undergoing ‘entropy’ of historic proportions, Literally at the invisible, unmerciful, incumbent short hand for being. To paraphrase Turgot: “‘The eye of the philosopher’” Appears as “‘one vast’” hole. “No one knows what entropy really is, So in a debate You will always have the advantage.” And other such “universally valid truths” Coming into being free of competing epistemologies, Free of competing languages; Indeed free of language altogether. Where you end up with the prophet Jesus Taking an outsourced IBIZ carpentry workshop, Just another scab working for a Bechtel subcontractor On the Baghdad Citibank. “Bad art is better than good art Because it documents human failure.” But great art! great art documents the failure of others. “‘O Frati,’” “dissi,” “‘che per cento milia Perigli siete giunti a l’occidente, A questa tanto picciola vigilia D’i nostri sensi ch’e del rimanente Non vogliate negar l’esperianza Di retro al sol, del mondo sanza gente.” The Legitimacy of the Modern Age; Assume a proof, proof of purchase, By Old Testament blood and treasure “An immanent final goal of history, Then those who believe they know it And claim to promote its attainment [Are] legitimized in using all the others Who do not know it and Cannot promote it as mere means.” But Messrs. Friedman and Fukuyama, “Infinite progress;” Technological progress, your core imperial idiom, Renders every absolute claim untenable, Even Popper hedged that This imperfect messianism Harbors an object eschatology. Yet progress untethers “world incinerations” from cycle, From “cosmic process”; Whipped out of orbit To trouble some other world. To jism back some gellatoed asteroid. “A whirlwind struck the ship and three times whirled her round. And the fourth lifted the stern aloft and plunged the prow below, As pleased an Other.” “The idea of ownership of what one has...produced, thought And created [being] a modern, (largely untried) idea” That “[e]ven the justification of Divine Right... Is not so self-evident as it seems to those who [draw] ‘Natural-law’...from it.” The secular paternalism of what Comte programmatically calls “Organizing providence” Stripped of the New Testament caveats Of charity and sacrifice Best both parodied and ridiculed by self-interest E.g. NATO bombing, IMF and Structural Adjustment Loans. “The Danube where it flows in Austria, The Don beneath its frozen sky,” and yet also through Serbia Where three sunken spans yet lie. In dribs and drabs, secularization mimes the Incarnation. “Secularization does not transform; it only conceals” That which it will not tolerate. No Bultmann, progress has executed the fiat Of eschatological fulfillment with Kant and Hegel mere brakes, shorings, With their “moralistic secularization of the Christian teleology Of history and its eschatology,” and “Secularizing of Christian faith...consciously and consistently.” And here too, this preaching. This kerygma. And technologies’s transformation of it Into an ‘immediate expectation’ “Radicalizes both the exhortative And the normative urgency of the doctrine.” “‘Immediate expectation’ Negates every type of durability, Not only the world’s But also its own...” “Self-assertion becomes the epitome of senselessness.” Until now “There [was] no concept of history That [could] claim identity of ‘substance’ With immediate expectation.” Not the “historicization of eschatology,” ‘the pro mora finis’, But its self-conscious ‘naturalization;’ The free bolt Freezing up the turbine. “Certainly, it can be said that the embarrassing situation of [Christian] eschatological disappointment,” The repeated caveats and postponements, “allowed claims ‘Of this world’ to come into play.” But “There are forms of expropriation In which the surrender of substance, In anticipation of its removal, Takes on the appearance of a free decision.” As physics takes on “the framework of the salvation story, With Creation at one end and Judgment at the other.” Explanatory accomplishments that exceed “The powers of its characteristic rationality” And not without eschatological consequences. “[T]he limiting case of an accelerated running out of history That [effaces] the difference between the idea of progress And eschatology...” A secularized millennarianism; What gigantism of the Four Elements? What perverse and repulsive anomaly, Was “the first instance” of this ‘apocalyptic category’? Is that one cannot say, the promise of history as usual; Not the shortened interval of the Last Judgment But of any judgment at all? Bruno’s burning stake was not “[T]he widely visible beacon of the Copernican truth.” “...[I]n questo libro la mia intentione E stata solamente di burlarmi di quei medici E dell’ opinion loro intorno queste materie.” “The rationality of the modern age...obtains its counterpoint From the formal remainder of faith... The possibility of an absolute epochal threshold.” “[S]tepping out of the sequence of finite formations of history...” Braking the orbits to compute them and In short order, torching the world in its sprockets So that Greece burns with a new light. Whether “God could create something he neither has created Nor will create,” and Ockham replied yes. And through His agency came transuranium elements And “much that he does not want to create,” Like fissionable syntheses, the dawn of judgment Or the new light of lasers reading Carole King, source of billions of petroleum based compact disks; And by simple default, Adorno proves the true ecologist. “The exhaustion of the totality of what is possible Would qualify the Creator as a mere natural cause.” Scholasticism said that “God had given away much of his treasure,” But had not intended to divest himself of everything, The transfer of power from Cusan to Copernicus. “It was only because a God could not come into being That something came into being That could become even more similar to God.” “[A] conception in which the world was represented as [A]bsolute power’s self-restriction To an arbitrary ‘particle’ Of what was possible for it, And thus drew upon it the rationally intolerable imputation Of unfathomable facticity and contingency;” “The transfer of infinity from divinity to the universe...”, “[A] resolute contradiction of one consequence of absolute power That was developed and thought through More and more radically by the Middle Ages” But for the irredeemable seduction of omnipotence With the incidental success of its instruments. “That omnipotence could become absolute Precisely by being able to posit its equivalent, By reproducing itself”: La Mettrie, Turing machines, nanobots, Von Neumann self-reproducing automata, Minsky, Newell, McCarthy & Simon. “What have I become?” Rousseau’s Pygmalion? “What strange revolution is in me?” “Intelligence is as intelligence does?” “But if,...’ the absolute self-realization of divine omnipotence Is the world...then the character of personhood must...be Denied to the ground that reproduces it.” “Yes, expensive and charming object,..., It is you and you alone that I have given all my being. I do not live but by you.” Divinities as these are measured by such laurels. This impish lie of classlessness Among all the gloating professional omnipotence. Descartes’ God “who has only to supply The ‘maitre et possesseur de la nature’ With his license.” The simplest theory, a species driven truth. Bruno and Hoelderlin preserved the “self-sufficiency of divinity,” Excluding the Will as predicate, Better to accommodate Matrix Mechanics The matrices of ‘pure mathematics.’ Do we “live in a description...compatible with our own existence”, As pitched by the Anthropic Principle, Or do we assume we live an existence Compatible with our description?-- By “explicitly assum[ing] the validity of the Anthropic Principle,” After we “Assume that the generally accepted axioms of Set theory and probability theory hold” By assum[ing] “a fact normally assumed As an axiom in conventional treatments of Quantum Mechanics.” That “Assumes that Eq. (8) also holds...” And, of course, “assumes that time is continuous.” Thus from our latter day Occams positivist physics emerge, Distance d as far as it goes Assuming we’ve gone the distance. As we tick toward the providential denouement Of the old clockwork future, The first thing we’re sold is our determinative; The serpent with its head up its ass. There is Uroboros in Everett’s MWI measurement theory Since Heisenberg, after a collaboration with Kramers, understood That the transition probabilities were not classical quantities; Not to be precipitated from “more Fundamental physical principles; That, “all other things being equal, the simplest theory Was [not] the most likely to be true.” Yet the collapse of the wave-function had gone Undetected for some time, And gave way to Many Worlds because Of nothing more than “The behavior of MEASUREMENT could be understood From more fundamental physical principles...” Not of the phenomena. But Ockham had promised that “the exhaustion of the totality Of what is possible Qualified the Creator as a mere natural cause.” And Descartes assured God that he “would see to it,” Make all the arrangements, Notify the family, pick a stone and then return to The simple maintenance of ‘a single mechanical cause.’ And “Those who imitate Descartes,” said D’Alembert, “Run the risk of deceiving themselves as he did, Or of giving a general principle Which is only true in certain cases, Or of regarding it as a primitive law of nature When it is only a purely mathematical consequence of several formulae.” But by 1950 the French were defeated in Indochina, Instruments of American foreign policy With the Marshall Plan proxy for providing funding For the re-establishment of colonial power. “And some French officers saw the exchange of blood for money.” “Oh, well,” the colonel told Fall, Two centuries down Henri Rousseau’s jungle trail of philosophes, Painted from photographs. “They believe they are doing the right thing... If they knew they were dying uselessly here, It would be like shooting them in the belly And kicking them in the butt at the same time. And when my aide eventually fries in a tank, I want him to believe that He’s frying for the good of [France]. That’s the least I can do for him.” The Colonel was paid in dollars, A thousand a month. For his sector about a buck a dead red. The world is not a communication... It is not the ‘book of nature.’ “It is not order...to be made binding for another will.” Yet, the Navarre Plan re-conceptualized “the Viet Minh In the image of the French” “By virtue of technological superiority.” “But [the world] is acentric, indifferent in each of its forms With respect to every other...” Not enlightenment cocksure in “radical opposition” to Leibniz. And ruled by the ‘principle of insufficient reason.’ “The consciousness of contingency That man has with respect to himself and the world, His suffering of finitude In the presence of the idea of infinity... While he is what he can be, He is not everything that can be; While he is the actualization of the Eidos, he is, at the same time The exclusion of every other eidetically definable thing.” “All objects [being] mere appearances And not given us as things in themselves.” “Finite time excludes the individual entity From the abundance of possibilities... The concrete being within the limits of its nature...” Concepts derived from the object, Are merely empirical and derived from the self With no character “distinct from our representations.” Not merely Blavatsky’s mysticism or Whitman’s hash of sensibility But “Verbum...propter carnem factum est caro...” Barrow & Tipler and constraints designed By the “individual entity Within the limits of its nature,” As though there is no confusion of subject with object, Or no constraints on the designer while in character, As though no harm exists in contracts and mortal fiats About what constraints might be. “For since A mere modification of our sensibility Can never be met with outside us, The objects, as appearances, constitute an object Which is merely within us.” But paying this simple debt to Kant Would require a massive epistemological mea culpa; And as Bainbridge to Oppie, ''We're all sons of bitches now.” A mind is a terrible thing; And if Hell were Wall Street it would freeze over, And the prophecy, self-fulfilling, “That our existence” does not just indicate but “necessarily puts Some constraints on the evolution of the universe” Might also apply to absolute constraints on us. From our latter-day Swedenborgs and their companies of angels: An “angel” being a “superprogram[] of the universal mind..., One with a Turing-passing subprogram.” Tipler’s “Omega Point...more than a mathematical artifact...” “‘Experienc[ing]’ the whole of universal history All at once.” “Omega Point will resurrect us” and, of course, “Far-future immanent Personal aspects,” Of the “The Omega Point love[] us,” so according to Tipler We’ve “been looking for love in all the wrong places,” All those countrified saw dust angel eyes Seared to angel dust; All those speed-ball Capitol Hill policy maker wonky-tonks. The light rays of our immortal beloved’s face having long ago Fled the solar system, With the romanticized sustain of Andromeda A cameo of radiation in a locket, The ghost of a menorah Burning across a baby grand, Obscured by “the loss of coherence” that attends the light, Mere music, sound, more difficult to account for. For “I am Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the ending,” reminded the Lord. And Paul glimpsed the Apocalypse And took “Fat Man” for God. “The totality of being...conceived as finite sphere could not, says the Cusan, Fulfill the requirement of absolute homogeneity...,” As Godels’ Second Theorem insists That a system cannot be both consistent and closed. “That infinity and the form of a sphere do not exclude one another...” Every point the center of the sphere, The mathematically egalitarian Omega Point, But applied where the simultaneity of Kurt and Cusa Appears a poem’s conceit; A metaphor for Bruno’s principle of indifference; Coleridge’s brute honest “Blank accident! Nothing’s anomaly.” But “theological anthropology’s unique predicate” Of the “image and likeness,” The three dimensional analogue of a sphere. That Tipler seeks “To remove from the identical substratum Of the unceasing change of form, The metaphysical odium of the mere negation of definiteness,” “Though life will have to change its form To survive the ever increasing temperature Near the Omega Point.” Ovid too erroneously thought people change, even Medea, And with far greater alacrity than mere evolution, Not necessarily peaking in an ironic intergalactic mono-species, A lonely, singular automata like a Pobeda, But who’s counting? “Yet...no world moves in relation to the universe itself... A higher level truth that made [Copernican] truth possible.” The accounts for “the drive of the world stuff Toward ever new realization.” No foreknowledge of the “subtler ‘imprecisions’” Behind “the eidetic firmness” to “abstract constants That the modern age” pledges into magnitudes; “Man...directed to isolate and assert himself And to seek his” damnation “outside it” In the Armageddon of analytical imagining. The lesson of the last century-- A mortality that won’t be denied suzerainty Its protocols clued in That won’t neglect its destiny to Prepare to do nothing methodologically But bring about its denouement. No one counted on the suicide morph. Not Bruno with his “dio del a terra; Not Hegel’s “moving soul;” Not Kant’s limitations on the finite Much less the canon of Descartes, Leibniz, Weiner, Teller or Tipler et al. Not the Cusan in the Anthropic, “[E]verything according to the measure of man.” But the light Rousseau glimpsed in which Lucretius will not be denied. As negative dialectics applied to Tipler or Witten or Parkes Demonstrates, domed and flat may have been the last Delusion reason could sustain. The rest slip out to the sea And like the aether into The entropy of recorded history On a first name basis Among the myriad encoders of ‘immortality’-- De Gray, Tipler, Zubrin, Von Neumann, St. Paul, Shirley McClane, Dick Clark, Turing, Wiener, Minsky et al. De Gray’s “engineered negligible senescence,” The shine that the slave outlasts his pyramid, And every shriveled patriarch becomes a nation-builder Along with the other obscene inquiries that empire fosters. That given current technology, the climate of Mars Is just a shade more hostile than Hispanola, And an easier grift because there’s no indigene to molly-coddle; NASA our deus est machina, Our last best hope. We terrorize to terraform. “Reason,” that “absolute and constant ‘optimization.’” Look at the rack on that Condillac. That automaton is ‘sweet.’ Western culture is the wolf whistle of science and “[T]oday We live out the major results of these wolfish actions. For the ‘I,’ who played out the role of the lamb” in the mini-max... Is the wolf, The maxi to its mini complicit in ordering space. Descartes’ “The reason of the strongest is always the best.” The Prisoner’s Dilemma where The innocent only get three years--Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo. And still the imperialist bets on his desires Even as his method batters against his last impulse. Science’s martingale exponent; “The game space” frozen “in a single pattern of order and hierarchy.” The Titan’s chain of “certitudes or precisions,” That in the beginning are conceived “As the end of the prior game,” tighten. Immortality’s scramble to defer senescence sells being out; Your body is not work enough and profane, Unless theoretical, like “Science,” an automata, its “[A] game, An infinite game, in which we always win.” What does that say about who’s in? As soon as new parameters are discovered “one can say: always. And it is always the time of the wolf.” One cannot destroy the world “without Reason’s verdicts.” “[O]ne no longer hesitates to invoke science In the realm of law, power, and politics... Because science has pointed the way To the winning strategy.” “The payoff in economics is money, and In evolutionary biology gene transmission...” And “[A]gents that fail to maximize these For whatever reason Will be competed out of the market or environment.” “The demonstrative order,” as Serres notes in Descartes’ ‘Regulae’; “A series of relationships and analogies” which “[Q]uantify very different things.” Like de Gray, the sleeping slave Who dreams of being free Of the game-space of Reason with Its transitive, irreflexive antisymmetry. A “ubiquitous will-to-power whose” totems “Are ‘reason,’ ‘enlightenment,’ and ‘truth.’” The spectacle of “a regulated global strategy.” ‘So life is just a game is all you’re saying,’ Nash’s Equilibrium at Reason’s Heart. “Western man the wolf of science.” “Killing inside the species” “a martial art.” A strategem. And “[T]hese epistemologies are not innocent.” “To know is to kill.” So the proper study of eschatology isn’t religion, But Enlightenment science where “The best reason always Permits a winning game.” Nuclear annihilation a mere caricature Of the depth of the problem, Reason’s passions having long outstripped The Baconian accommodation with Nature– Methodologically. So when potable water gets so scarce Oral sex grants a by to hygiene, I’ll throw in my towel And go down To town. And maybe Shirley and Frank can ouija back Achilles’ chariot So Murdoch can kick the tires, And the Greek can chauffeur his by-product around. The Enlightenment Sausages, from factory to olfactory, eh Bloom, That help us chart our way. Pulsing wiener schnitzels, Prohibition of the natural world Stuffed with offal that Allah hates. Gross and Levitt in that furrowed Lennie Small duh Of techno-epistemology: “We woulda never knowd I strangled Momma If I hadn’a discovered the murder weapon.”
"Crimes of Passion"
The poet's comments on his growing poem: