Painting: Morris Cox


Summer 2003, EXTRA #2

Spring 2013, Web Issue 15

Spring 2012, Web Issue 14

Spring 2010, Web Issue 13

Summer 2009, Web Issue 12

Winter 2008, Extra Issue 11

Spring 2008, Web Issue 10

Spring 2007, Web Issue 9

Spring 2006, Web Issue 8

Summer 2004, Web Issue 7

Winter 2004, Web Issue 6

Summer 2003, EXTRA #2

Spring 2002, Web Issue 5

Winter 2001, Web Issue 4

Summer 2000, EXTRA #1

Summer 1999, Web Issue 3

Spring 1998, Web Issue 2

Spring 1997, Web Issue 1

A multidisciplinary
journal in the
arts and politics



Cover art: Morris Cox
Trustees of the Morris Cox Estate

Founding Editors:
Joe Brennan
Carlo Parcelli

Contributing Editors:
Brad Haas
Rosalie Gancie
Cathy Muse
Mark Scroggins

Jim Angelo
Web Editors:
JR Foley
Rosalie Gancie
Nicole Foley

"now sleeps he with that old whore, Death..."
     Standing sideways, left shoulder forward, he profiled toward the Lincoln, sighting along the snub barrel of the .38; the Lincoln bearing down, slowly but unswervingly, its grill shooting jets of steam from the punctured radiator but the windshield as yet unmarked by bullet holes. He stood downhill, waiting for the face to clear the top of the windshield. There were other faces but he kept his gaze fixed on where the primary would clear, on where would be the spot between the eyes.
     He rose to his toes, sighting along the barrel, and charged.
     The other man was shooting from somewhere to the side and he, as he snapped his own trigger, unhearing its click in the roaring of the other's gun, snapped again with the Lincoln's huge bulk almost on him and his pistol almost level with the President's head, and behind him, as the Lincoln seemed about to hit him, his wife fired the 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano and he felt a sudden white-hot, blinding flash explode inside his head --
--JR Foley,
"The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald"

All essays, poetry, fiction, and artwork are copyrighted in the
names of the authors and artists,
to whom all rights revert.


                                                                   CALL FOR PAPERS:
                                                          James Joyce & Louis Zukofsky
                                                                        Special Issue
                                                         Bloomsday 2004 & LZ Centennial

the short happy life of lee harvey oswald
jr foley

hideous beauties
an interview with lance olsen

morris cox: a note of introduction
bradford haas

          a selection of paintings & prints

                    "man with horse" 1933
                    "negress" 1935
                    "mother and child" 1936
                    "the engine that got away" 1946
                    "figure with butterflies" 1948
                    "licking cat" 1948
                    [lovers in a wood] 1949
                    "forest bomb-crater" 1950
                    "dog in a field" 1958
                    "yule " 1960
                    "format 7" 1967
                    [dune] 1974
                    [nude from a blind drawing] 1987
                    "magog's forest" 1991

          9 poems

                    "agelong night" (1934-37)
                    "a little godspell" (1940)
                    "eve and the snake" (1940)
                    "old lady" (1967)
                    "flower maiden" (1967)
                    "outcasts" (1969)
                    [poem 89] (1969/70)
                    [poem 97] (1969/70)
                    "band in the park" (1970/71)

          "the slumbering virgin"

FlashPøint is again on the horizon!

     The 6th issue will be released on November 15. This EXTRA! #2 provides a teaser of what's to come. "Hideous Beauties," the title of Lance Olsen's latest collection of fiction, and theme of the interview with him here, could also caption what FlashPøint is preparing for you. The lead piece, "The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald," I'll address in a moment. The special treat of the upcoming issue is a very generous serving of the works in poetry, prose, and paint of the late British artist, Morris Cox, whose "The Slumbering Virgin" itself exemplifies the fascination that "hideous beauties" can evoke.

     We have Contributing Editor Bradford Haas to thank for this extraordinary introduction to Morris Cox. (Haas has also contributed not only an essay ("David Jones: the Poet’s Place and the Sleeping Lord") to earlier issues, but also his own poetry ("An Appraisal of Accidents" in FlashPøint #4), as well as many reviews.)

     Lance Olsen, in my opinion, is one of the most exuberant, adventurous, and hilarious writers of serious fiction today, to put it mildly. "Hideous Beauties", the most extensive interview he has given, will introduce the pleasures, challenges, and striking diversity of his work to those who are new to it, as well as insight into new directions it is taking to those who are familiar.

     When I first read the two biographies of Lee Oswald in the Warren Report, shortly after it was published, I was struck by the echo in its prose of Ernest Hemingway's Nick Adams stories. Every rereading found the same note of ritual realism fresh. Only many years later did I happen upon the "fact" (every "fact" in the Oswald case needs to be hedged by quotation marks) that Hemingway was the only American writer ever mentioned in the manuscripts ascribed to Oswald among the Warren Commission exhibits. There are two remarks, one referring to The Old Man and the Sea as a "touching story," the other "explaining" Oswald's two years in the Soviet Union as a mere temporary expatriation like Hemingway's in Paris. I have more to say about the Oswald-Hemingway "connection" in the essay, "Lee Oswald: Deep Classic American Hero," which is a companion to the story that wraps round it, "The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald". Both together explain and extend each other better than I can here. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy remains the greatest unsolved murder of the American Century. The 40th anniversary is upon us.

     We hope this EXTRA! will tease your appetite for the full 6th issue.

Be sure to tell us what you think!

- JR Foley