The Fitzroy Tavern, The U.N. Delegates Lounge, & The White Horse Tavern.
Authors: Tambimuttu, Elizabeth (Betty) Smart, Dylan Thomas, Robert Colquhoun & Robert MacBryde, George Barker,
Caitlin & Dylan Thomas, Elizabeth Smart Barker & Robert MacBryde
Peter Dale Scott
a selection from his new
book of poems Walking
on Darkness
Tavern Underworld
In the UN Diplomatic Bar
that looked down on a seamy waterfront
I was introduced to the elegant
Mrs. Norman Holmes Pearson
known for turning up with young male poets
in this case Tambimuttu famous
for having published in Poetry London
poets like Durrell Gascoyne
and my parents’ friend Betty Smart
whose book-length lament
on her scandalous betrayal
by the married poet George Barker
and their subsequent arrest in Arizona
was bought up by her social-minded mother
back in Ottawa and then burned
I shared reminiscences with Tambi
of fabled London pubs like the Fitzroy
where someone pointed out that Sylvia Bitch
and a ponce assured me that a Mousehole weekend
had once been proffered him by Eliot
or my night with the Roberts -- MacBryde and Colquhoun --
who went on when really drunk to trash the flat
of my harmless writer friend Chris Wanklyn
remembered today because he made it into
The Letters of William S. Burroughs
And precisely because I was so well suited
for life now in the Diplomatic Lounge
I who’d earlier turned down the chance
to sit at Pound’s feet with S at St. Elizabeths
was caught up once again
like Dante’s Ulysses in that ancient urge
to seek experience where we don’t belong Inf 26:116
and entreated Tambi to be my guide cf. Inf 1.130
back into that tavern underworld
peopled with dropouts from the Unreal City
with its tall skyscrapers of tinted glass
the White Horse in those days
so crowded with those remembering
Dylan’s death just three years before
we preferred a small bar across the street
perhaps the one to which Caitlin fled Caitlin Thomas
when pissed off at Dylan once again
after the two of them -- in their furor
poeticus – broke objets d’art and cf. Plato Ion 533d
overturned tables at a party in their honor Brinnin Dylan 146
as if to cry out to a stricken world
as once our prophets did Not this
Assuredly not this
Tambi and I were just witnesses
in this narrow bar where anything could happen
when one night we watched four thugs
burst in as a team to beat up their target
a bespectacled slightly sweaty man
kicking him mercilessly on the floor
until they drove off
Tambi and I picked him up
I carefully restored to his bruised face
his gold-rimmed glasses
then suddenly the toughs were back
to beat and kick him again still harder
this time his glasses into his face
till there was – as I recall -- much blood
what happened next now completely forgotten
above all the overwhelming question
was he, as we first thought, now blind?
a fact far too important to be remembered
swept up in this wind of useless memories
Kasper burning S’s books by Freud Marsh John Kasper 7
so infected by Pound’s rant about the Jews
he would soon get himself arrested
as he became a major suspect
in a string of Southern synagogue bombings --
what is this this paradox that compels
me to disgorge these conflicted memories
and yet withhold S’s published name?
and what is this deficit in our daily life
that has driven us since Homer to seek truth
from the darkness of the underworld? Odyssey 10:539, 11:96
the Quebec tavern men’s room wall
where I had scribbled Daryl is a poet!
inspiring beneath it Is she? Well fuck a snake!
or those first all-night bouts on the waterfront
in Montreal with veterans from the war
who drank as if there was nothing now to learn
or all the useless foreign ships locked
in the winter ice of the Lachine Canal
seen by a boy at the top of Westmount Mountain
all now gone
Brinnin, John. Dylan Thomas in America (London: J.M.
Dent, 1956).
Marsh, Alec. John Kasper and Ezra Pound: Saving the
Republic. London:
Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
Smart, Elizabeth. By Grand Central Station I Sat Down
and Wept. New York: Vintage, 1992.
from Peter
Dale Scott's forthcoming book Walking on Darkness:
Peter Dale Scott
Walking on
Meadow Press
Publication date: September 6, 2016
$16.95 Paperback
ISBN: 9781937679644 |