Tim Wengertsman "Mama" Mama,  ballpoint pen & acrylic/Tim Wengertsman [EBK Gallery]

The Art of
Tim Wengertsman

and Drawings

Tim Wengertsman Click For Slide Show


We first encountered Tim Wengertsman’s work in 2015 at the Corner Pocket Bar & Grill in Middletown, Connecticut, where poet Carlo Parcelli was performing his dramatic monologues in full first century costume as part of the First International Beat Poetry Festival coordinated by Colin Haskins, Yvon Cormier & Debbie Kilday. The Bar was the location of Yvon Cormier’s Bukowski Night with works dedicated to the American bard whose work the Poetry Foundation describes as depicting “the depravity of urban life & the downtrodden in American Society”. To honor Bukowski and the Beats, poet and Beat Archivist George Wallace was named the First Beat Poet Laureate.

The bar was located in half of an alley. Neon Lights, bar stools and beer tabs. And Catfish McDaris, who had a bonafide Bukowski connection, called in & read some of his work over the telephone.

The Beat Energy intersected between patrons, billiard players & poets.

And here’s where we saw Tim Wengertsman’s brilliant woodcuts hanging comfortably on the wood paneling near the small platform of the stage. A full-on woodcut of the Last Supper – but Jesus was a biker? A shaman? A Shaman Biker? “Eating The Rich – Because We’re Poor” emblazoned on the top, and “We Drink – We Ride – We Fight” cut into the lower edge. “Read” and “Beat” are tattooed on the Apostles’ feet. And the Apostles are dread-locked and in spiked clothing. The chalices are full of beer, one apostle vomits, a small machine & a beer bottle spew smoke & fire. Suggestions of skulls abound & two bikers ride in on each side on fantastical Steam-Punk bikes. The spiked clothing mimics feathers. This is Punk-Posada, or Jose Posada meets R. Crumb meets Sue Coe.

Tim Wengertsman - The Last Supper in

"The Last Supper in Hartford"  wood block print, size: 24x48,  Tim Wengertsman

Tim Wengertsman’s work comes from his own personal experiences & those of his friends. He says

“…there is no standard of what art should look like,
there is no standard of how people should look,
there is no standard of what we should like. Do what you want.
I want to give my subculture a voice.”
He is an artist and drummer and part of the punk subculture of Hartford, Connecticut. His work has a sense of both defiance and inclusion, and of both satire and engagement. It’s as at home in a bar as it is in an art gallery. The art gallery, EBK, is right to cite his influences as George Grosz, Kathe Kollwitz & Ralph Steadman.

Wengertsman was able to use his art skills to fine tune his own personal cry of existence & that of his friends. He can do this with the time-honored tool of the artist's woodcut or with the commercial toss aways of Bic Pens and Color Markers from the local office supply store.

EBK Gallery describes his work: “[They] are intense, rebellious, dense with symbolism and are very personal. Rich with private allegory they challenge you to see deeper as you look closer.”

Below are a few photos of the Beat Festival to give you a sense of the Bukowski Night vibe at Middletown's Corner Pocket Bar & Grill, along with links to EBK's Wengertsman's Artist Page.


Photos from 2015 The Beat Festival / Corner Pocket Bar & Grill, Middletown, CT with T.W.'s work on the walls. Lower Left: Carlo Parcelli, Center Left: George Wallace, Lower Right: Yvon Cormier with Catfish McDarish's telephone reading. Select Photos: Debbie T Kilday.

Beat Festival Corner Pocket CT 2015

                      Wengertsman Detail from "Low Life"

EBK Gallery
Artist Page
Tim Wengertsman


Left: Detail from "Low Life"

EBK Gallery FaceBook Page.. https://www.facebook.com/ebkgallery/
has videos of Tim at work on his larger "Last Supper in Hartford" [2015].

EBK Gallery - Tim Wengertsman at work

Crazy Creative Podcast 3 with Tim Wengertsman [1 hr, 49 min]

Tim Wengerstman - Crazy Creative Podcast 3