David Jones - letters and sketches from the archive

Links to Oxford's

First World War Poetry Digital Archive

Colin Hughes  /  David Jones  /  BBC broadcast script

   An interview with Colin Hughes:


From the website: Colin Hughes is the author of David Jones: the man who was on the field (1979) and a historical study of the battle which is the culmination of Jones' poem 'In Parenthesis', Mametz: Lloyd George's Welsh Army at the Battle of the Somme (1982).

In this podcast Hughes discusses his friendship with poet and artist David Jones and his research on the Battle of Mametz Wood. The interview was conducted by Alun Edwards on the 18th February 2009. © University of Oxford


'In Parenthesis'

Annotated by David Jones

From the Archive:

Title page of the book 'In Parenthesis' with inscription by David Jones: 'To Colin Hughes with following corrections, etc. from David Jones November 1969'. The corrections follow in black, red and green ink - listing the page number and the errata.

Colin Hughes visited David Jones many times to discuss elements of the attacks on Mametz Wood by the Welsh battalions in the period 7th to 12th July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. David Jones annotated Colin's copy of the book 'In Parenthesis' (1937) during these visits.
© University of Oxford

Letter from David Jones to Colin Hughes, March 1971
© University of Oxford

The archive contains several Colin Hughes/David Jones items.

'In Parenthesis' Part 7 pages 152-153

From the Archive: Notes written on pages 152-153 by Colin Hughes after conversations with David Jones, explaining about references to Psalms 119 and 123; and to 'Cousin Dicky'. Colin Hughes visited David Jones many times to discuss elements of the attacks on Mametz Wood by the Welsh battalions in the period 7th to 12th July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. David Jones annotated Colin's copy of the book 'In Parenthesis' (1937) during these visits. © University of Oxford

The digital archive contains scripts and notes from the BBC productions of 'In Parenthesis'
produced by Douglas Cleverdon. Two of their selections are below:

1975 Cover Note by Unknown Author
to the David Jones copy of the
1946 BBC Broadcast Script

This letter includes the belief that the vocal recording had a profound and disturbing effect on David Jones, a statement which academics do not all agree with.

From the Archive:

In Parenthesis was adapted for the wireless
by Douglas Cleverdon and rehearsed for
broadcast in November 1939 and later in
November 1942. Both broadcasts were

cancelled due to events during the Second World War. The play was finally performed in November 1946 when it made a profound impact on many of those listening, not least Jones himself who had always intended it as a vocal piece. The original cast included Dylan Thomas, with Richard Burton in a minor role. Further performances followed in 1948, 1955, 1964 and 1968 in which Richard Burton took the lead - he considered In Parenthesis the finest work he ever performed. © University of Oxford


In Parenthesis (Part VII)

broadcast script, 1942

with Douglas Cleverdon

From the Archive:

David Jones' poem 'In Parenthesis' was adapted for the wireless (radio) by Douglas Cleverdon and was to be broadcast on the BBC Home Service on Armistice Day 1939, but all schedules were cancelled after the outbreak of the Second World War. This shortened version was rehearsed

in 1942 for broadcast on 10th November, but this too was cancelled to make way for the broadcast of Winston Churchill's 'The End of the Beginning' speech (delivered at The Lord Mayor's Luncheon, Mansion House, London November 10th 1942). The first performance had to wait until November 1946. © University of Oxford