Peter Dale Scott
a selection from his new
book of poems Walking
on Darkness
Another Road
A troubled dream
that the road we are traveling
is temporarily blocked
because – they are saying –
of the bad traffic up ahead
and it is true we can see
the traffic equally stalled
in front as well as behind the barrier
but look! to the left
of the familiar highway
through the French-speaking village
past the church with its battle-scarred façade
a garden forest
with another road – clean black asphalt – through it
no cars at all
Would I dare take it I wonder
having no clear idea
where the new route will take us
What if we had to leave our car
amid other cars all like it
heavy with so much needless baggage
though the beginning looks like a park
might there not be rattlesnakes
perhaps even grizzlies?
and what about the risk
that there is no road there at all
only an illusion
of the type that appears in deserts
despite the abundant testimony
of so many poets who have seen it
* * *
Kung and Eleusis
Tao and Aristotle
my father after his life
of constitutional law
attacked by a tyger
at the foot of his bed
and after years of sleeping out
from Wales to Styria
a treaty conference in the Vienna Hofburg
to consolidate a diplomatic fabric
that now for a half century
has seemed to be falling apart
to Jerry Rubin and myself
at the Vietnam Day Committee
I arguing that the truth
would persuade Congress
to end this crazy war
while Rubin made the case
for rock bands and psychedelics
to reach a mass audience
the year our faculty journal
to speak truth to power
was engulfed by the Berkeley Barb
financed by porn ads
with its photos of naked women
and now I see clearly
that Jerry was right
and I was probably wrong
* * *
And now Chris Hedges
censured by the New York Times
for having warned against the folly
of the Iraq War[1]
who once believed
The fantasy of popular revolts
breaking the hegemony of the corporate state
is just that, a fantasy.
then unlike myself
made the spiritual decision
quoting Tillich
Institutions are always
inherently demonic,
including the Church.
to camp out in Zuccotti Park
even though as you admitted
numerous street people
with mental impairment and addictions
tore apart the community
as you must have predicted
No matter! You saw this
as the trajectory of all movements
a kind of dress rehearsal.
even though you saw nothing
that indicates we're preparing
to make that change..[2]
[1] Chris Hedges, “A Father's Gift,” The Dallas Morning News, June 17, 2006.
[2] Bill Moyers, Moyers & Company, Interview with Chris Hedges, July 24, 2012
from Peter
Dale Scott's forthcoming book Walking on Darkness:
Peter Dale Scott
Walking on
Meadow Press
Publication date: September 6, 2016
$16.95 Paperback
ISBN: 9781937679644 |